Monday 12th February 2007
Had the day at Potteric Carr Nature Reserve near Doncaster. Chose a day when the cafe was shut to avoid the crowds.
Had a close encounter with a Bittern which had caught a huge perch and was trying to swallow it. After much straining and gyrations, it gave up and flew off into the reedbeds to sulk.
It started pouring down so I went to the feeding station where a Grey Squirrel amused those there with its antics.
Had the day at Potteric Carr Nature Reserve near Doncaster. Chose a day when the cafe was shut to avoid the crowds.
Had a close encounter with a Bittern which had caught a huge perch and was trying to swallow it. After much straining and gyrations, it gave up and flew off into the reedbeds to sulk.
It started pouring down so I went to the feeding station where a Grey Squirrel amused those there with its antics.