Sparrowhawk Ahoy

Waxwing wonderland

Real eating machines these. 5 berries in and a quick evacuate and 5 berries more, every couple of minutes for the three hours I studied them. Making quiet calls to each other continually, they were quite confiding and gave all who stopped by a spectacular show.
The light was terrible and the wind was as strong as a strong thing . The pics took some getting as the birds spent a lot of time in the middle of the tree with no clear views. Eventually, patience won and I got a few good images.
The Security guard at the Mars petfood factory came over and asked what the birds were. Apparently he had seen them for a couple of weeks around the factory and was surprised when I told him they were Scandinavian waifs seeking shelter from the cold.
A Bit of a Blow

What a windy day. Went to Newmillerdam for a walk round. Branches falling everywhere. One even hit a couple a glancing blow as it fell. Kept my eye on the old oak trees as I passed under....quickly!!!
In a little pocket of calm, a family of Long-Tailed Tits were feeding on the oak trees. Gave me a chance to photograph them. Had to keep hold of the camera and tripod at all times as the wind was vicious.
Called in at Bretton Park on the way home. A greedy magpie stuffed himself at the feeding station, taking all the goodies away to hide and coming back for seconds!! Very clever birds.
Tried out a new bigger beanbag for the camera today. It took nearly 8lb of birdseed to fill it! After years of using a 4x4 as a portable hide I've gone greener and bought a smaller car. Not as easy to use as a hide but I can get the tripod up inside-just. Easier to use the beanbag but the old one was too low, hence the new one.
Went to the local RSPB meeting last night - Geoff Trinder talking about his beloved Lincolnshire wildlife. The conservation work he has done is legendary.
Grebe gourmet
Potteric Portraits
Pugneys pugilist and RIP pike

Siskin surprise

Bittern a Tench

One obligingly posed and then went off hunting. It caught a small perch and then a much bigger Tench. It had trouble swallowing the fish and repeatedly shook its head and neck from side to side while trying to swallow it.
They are such enigmatic birds and draw a great number of admirers. I have been told they breed in Holland and come here to overwinter. The Wildlife Trust (Yorkshire) is trying everything to make them stay to breed.

On the Rails

I love Potteric Carr - no dogs!! As a wildlife photographer, they are an annoyance. Owners let their dogs 'run free' and off they go chasing birds and weeing up against my bag hide with me sat in it!!! Urgh!
The feeding station at Potteric is a worthwhile place to spend a few minutes. You never know what will appear. This peanut-eating water rail kept coming back for more but was put off a bit by some of the other residents.